
Signs of Unhealthy Trees
Trees are one of the most beautiful parts of nature. They provide shade, food for animals, and a natural habitat for birds and other wildlife.

Prep for your Spring Garden now!
As we head out of one of the hottest summers on record into the cooler Autumn and Winter months, ensuring our trees and shrubs are...

What are ‘trees with preservation orders’?
Tree preservation orders – unless you’ve come across one of these in your work or as a homeowner, it’s unlikely you know what they are.

Let the Light Through!
Now that the season of spring and summer is upon us, most of us can’t wait to get out in the sunshine, start up the...

Planting Bare-Root Trees & Shrubs
If you’re looking to buy a new tree, including hedging plants and larger shrubs, you will probably find you have three options:

5 Shrubs to attract bees to your garden
Bees are critical to life on this planet. Did you know they are responsible for over 100 different types of food that we eat

Troublesome Tree Roots and Sewer Pipes
We all love our trees but it is important to remember that underground, any tree’s root system can spread rapidly.