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Whether you are looking to source local ‘recommended’ tradespeople, want to ‘love local, shop local‘, want to read blogs on a variety of lifestyle topics or simply want to get to know the person behind the business, this is the place to come for everything ‘Carlisle’. We’ve worked hard to be a reliable source of local information, and only featuring traders and businesses we know and trust ourselves.

Mincemeat Bran Muffins
Do you enjoy mince pies? They are such a winter staple with the spiced fruits but they can be an acquired taste.

Pour A Little Sugar On It — Various Artists
Subtitled “The Chewy Chewy Sounds Of American Bubblegum 1966-1971”

Wines: Finding Some Favourites
Many people enjoy a favourite wine, either by itself or when accompanying foods.

Everyday Care for Ageing Pets
Ageing is a natural process that comes to all of our pets. There is no set age at which cats and dogs are classed as senior.

Mines of the Lake District Fells
A colleague of mine, John Adams, was the author of the below book, the second edition of which was published 27 years ago.

Simple coconut macaroons recipe, made with just four ingredients
This recipe shouldn’t be mistaken for French macarons, coconut macaroons are simply a sweet chewy fluffy looking cookie. They are insanely easy to make and are extremely yummy.
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