… Take mobile phones for example, they just weren’t around when my mum was young, or even when I was young for that matter, and yet they are such a big part of our lives now. If I forget to take my phone with me it is a bit of an inconvenience, however, for a lot of people it is, simply put, the end of the world. My poor mum still hasn’t really got the hang of them and I could write several blogs on some of the fiascos we have had with my mum and her mobile phone.
Another problem I have with technology is the terminology; I just get to grips with some technical term when it becomes old and out of date. I simply can’t keep up! I’m not quite as bad as my Mum though, who recently asked if I could ‘Doodle’ something for her!! A strange request I thought as I am not very good at drawing, but then realised she meant ‘Google’.
That really made me laugh, but soon came to the realisation that that will soon be me if I fail to keep up with technology. I really must try harder. Anyway, going back to something I am a lot more comfortable with and that is food.
This recipe has now become one of my favourite dishes for the weekend because (1) it is quick (2) it is so tasty and (3) it is a little bit indulgent.
It is called ‘Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta’.
Place two boneless chicken breasts (which have been cut into thin strips) in a bowl and coat with 2 teaspoons of Cajun seasoning, then sauté the chicken in a large frying pan in 2 tablespoons butter until tender (about 5 – 7 mins).
Reduce the heat and add, two sliced spring onions, 450mls double cream, 2 tablespoons chopped sun dried tomatoes, ¼ teaspoon salt, ¼ teaspoon dried basil, 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper, and 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder. Heat through. Serve over cooked linguine and top with grated parmesan cheese, oh and don’t forget a nice glass of wine!

Jane Ferguson worked in the food industry and ran her own successful business for six years called ‘Pink Leaf Catering’. She loves trying new recipes, and believes that delicious healthy food need not be complicated or take hours to make.