I love it when that happens! Also, Buy One Get One Free, or BOGOF as we have affectionately come to know it as, is great as I feel that I am getting a real bargain. The one I struggle with though is, Buy Two Get One Free. I’m sure for a lot of people that works fine especially if you have a large family, but in my situation there is only myself and my husband now at home, so I don’t want three. It flummoxes me every time, what should I do? Do I just buy the one I wanted, but then that goes against the grain of not getting a bargain. Two would be fine, but three really is pushing it. I admit, most times I give in and buy the three and end up giving some away which isn’t all bad, but maybe the fact that it doesn’t have an affectionate name like BOGOF says it all. Just saying!
Talking of bargain meals, I came across this recipe recently among my hoards of recipes in folders and boxes that I have kept over the years. It is called ‘Economy Meat Loaf’. This would work well as a midweek meal or would be great for a picnic.
Pre-heat your oven to 180º (160º fan). Place 1 chopped Onion, 50g Quick Quaker Oats, 350g Minced Raw Beef, 1 dessertspoon of Worcester Sauce, ¼ pint Beef Stock and Salt and Pepper in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Press the mixture into a greased and lined 450g loaf tin and bake for 1 hour. Cool slightly and remove from tin. Serve hot or cold

Jane Ferguson worked in the food industry and ran her own successful business for six years called ‘Pink Leaf Catering’. She loves trying new recipes, and believes that delicious healthy food need not be complicated or take hours to make.