

Looking for a great place to eat in Carlisle?

Our directory features a list of ‘recommended’ local bars, pubs, and restaurants in and around Carlisle. Each listing features plenty of information to help you make the best decision, such as if they’re child and dog friendly and if they have an outdoor seating area or WiFi.

These recommended pubs and restaurants in Carlisle offer delicious meals and great atmospheres. Whether you’re looking for a cosy dinner for two or a lively gathering with friends, these recommended pubs and restaurants in Carlisle will not let you down.

Find the perfect spot to get a delicious meal and great atmosphere. With our directory, you’ll be able to quickly find what you’re looking for and save time.

Explore our directory and find the perfect place to eat in Carlisle today!

four images, top left: colourful meal with roasted peppers, potatoes. Top right: burger with pulled beef. Bottom left: traditional toad in the hole with oven chips, peas & carrots. Bottom left: beef stew.