This can result in them experiencing new found anxiety or stress, as family members return to school and work.
Here are our top tips to help you get your pets back to their usual routine!
Tip 1. Try getting your dog ready for the ‘back to school’ routine by making a change to your holiday schedule and introducing times when you leave your dog alone for slightly longer periods, as well as reintroducing him to anyone that will be visiting or dog-sitting him.
Tip 2. Leaving your dog alone with a safe chew or an activity toy to keep him occupied for half an hour or so will help to remind him how to be on his own again. This will create some free time for you and your family to get ready for going back to school.

Tip 3. Once the children are back at school, home life soon returns to a gentler pace and many dogs welcome the return to peace and quiet but don’t forget they still need regular exercise and plenty of mental stimulation.
Tip 4. Returning to work and school often adds a degree of tension to family lives. Our dogs don’t understand bus timetables or the need to create several sets of packed lunches in just three minutes, so it’s really important to leave the house in the morning with a cuddle and a friendly few words for the dog – psychologists tell us it’s good for us too!

OSCAR Pet Foods Carlisle offer a wide range of foods for dogs, cats in order to cater for your pet's needs throughout their lives. Diets include grain free, gluten free, weight control and joint care support. Contact Stuart Edgar on 01228 658143 or Mobile: 07486 457 237, or visit for more information.